ZiLab Bulk Sender | Bulk Cryptocurrency Sender (BEP-20) Script


This DApp allows users to send thousands of tokens to multiple addresses efficiently by batching the transfers and automating the process. This tool enables users to save time by automatically generating transactions on MetaMask. This will save you a lot of time.


  • Metamask/Trust Wallet Support
  • Validations
  • BSC Network check
  • CSV Upload
  • Fully responsive and modern design
  • Wallet disconnect
  • Token approving
  • Token reading from user wallet
  • Set Platform Fee
  • Update Platform Fee
  • Set Fee Receiver Wallet
  • Update Fee Receiver Wallet
  • Web3 Integrations
  • Beautiful animations
  • Easy-to-use
  • Smart contract is included
  • And much more…

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