HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin


You can use this product as a fully featured html5 audio player (check Playlist version examples) or just to add background music to your website (check Minimal version examples)


\\ Customizable Color Scheme

The prebuilt controllers (play button, next track button etc.) come in black or white versions. Using the parameters you can select any color scheme for: player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist background, playlist font and playlist item line separator. If needed, PSD files are included and you can change very easy the controllers, too.

\\ Show/Hide Elements

You can set as visible or set as hidden, any element of the audio player according to your design and functionality needs: rewind button, play button, previous button, next button, mute button, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, title section, playlist.

\\ Mobile Compatible

It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

\\ Read Folder

Option to automatically generate the player playlist from a folder which contains the MP3 files.

\\ Multiple Instances

You can insert multiple audio players on your website or on the same page.

\\ Optional Shortcode Parameters

You can define the MP3 file path, song title and song author directly in the shortcode parameters without using the player playlist

\\ Multiple Parameters

Over 35 options from where you can customize your player, including: autoplay, loop, initial volume, show/hide playlist, show/hide playlist on init & color parameters.

\\ Free Updates

Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.

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